Marxist Glossary 3.0 – For the 21st Century

What is Marxist Glossary for the 21st Century

As huge numbers of people are suddenly wanting to talk about Marxism and socialism, communism, fascism, etc., the discussion has been impeded by not having a common agreement on the meaning of these words. How can we talk when even those of us who consider ourselves Marxists don’t speak the same political language? When we say “fascism” or “communism,” we may well mean very different things.

The last major Marxist Glossary issued in English was written by the Australian L. Harry Gould in 1946—in the age of industrialism. Once computers and robotics began changing the world, the old definitions, which had been superb in their day, no longer sufficed. Darryl “Waistline” Mitchell and his editor, Robin Yeamans, took up the task of applying Marxism to the new world’s political economy.

In 1867, Marx published vol. 1 of “Capital.” He and his co-writer, Friedrich Engels, had literally watched the birth of capitalism as it shoved feudalism out of the way. They created a way of analyzing events which still applies today in the sunset of capitalism. Not only their political-economic ideas but their philosophy of dialectical materialism is broken down into clear terms in Glossary.

As the world changes before our eyes, as it did before Marx’s eyes, this world outlook remains the most powerful weapon to oppose capitalism and all its horrors. Marxism needs to be applied to our new world.


Find Marxist Glossary 3.0 on Marxist Glossary for the 21st Century page of the MARS website.

Also available on the Marxist Glossary Discussion group public Facebook page. It can be downloaded from the files.

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