Mother-right described stable ancient communities with an established and prescribed pattern of observance of societal roles in which there were no classes, no inequality and no uncompensated, exploited labor. Mother-right was a pattern of family life based on the natural division of labor. It held sway until the breakup of the primitive communal system and transition from a tribal-family life with a natural division of labor to a society based on a growing social division of labor, establishment of private property relations and economic classes. In a community based on mother-right, women held esteemed social positions in all of society’s affairs and inheritance was exclusively through the mother’s family. This was in contradistinction to the inferior status of women in class societies.
(See, Emancipation of women, Feminist ideology, Woman question.)
Excerpt From: Darryl Mitchell. “Marxist Glossary Mini Edition 3.0.” iBooks.
Marxist Glossary Mini Edition 3.0 can be purchased at